Formatting Guidelines



Full name and surname of Author1, autor1@autor.aa, Affiliation

Full name of Author2, autor2@autor.aa, Affiliation

Author3’s full name and surname, autor3@autor.aa, Affiliation


ABSTRACT: The text of the abstract should begin on this line, Times New Roman font, 11, normal and justified. The abstract may be presented in Spanish or Portuguese, always with English translation ‘ABSTRACT’ or only in English. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. The fifth paragraph should begin, after inserting a blank line, with the expression ‘KEY WORDS’, in capital letters, Times New Roman, 11, bold, and the key words should be mentioned in Times New Roman, 11, normal, left justified and separated by commas. Three to five key words should be indicated. The keywords may be presented in Spanish or Portuguese, always with a translation in English ‘KEYWORDS’ or only in English. A blank line should be inserted after the keywords.

KEYWORDS: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4, Keyword5.

ABSTRACT: If the paper is presented in English it is only necessary to present the ‘ABSTRACT’. If the paper is submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, the abstract should also be submitted in English.

KEYWORDS: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4, Keyword5.


The text should be submitted in pdf format without author identification and in Microsoft Word 2019 format with author identification, through the web submission system. The text should be written in A4 formatted single-spaced and justified. Margins at 2.5 centimeters on the right, top and bottom sides and 3.0 centimeters on the left side. Papers should not exceed 80,000 characters or 18 pages, including figures, tables and references at the end of the text. The first paragraph should be reserved for the name of the scientific area in which the authors propose to include the paper, in capital letters, Times New Roman, 10, normal and left justified.

After inserting a space (one blank line), the second paragraph should include the title of the paper, in capital letters, Times New Roman, 12, bold and left justified.       

After inserting a space (one blank line), the third paragraph should begin with the full name and surname of the authors, followed by the e-mail address and affiliation, Times New Roman font, 11, normal and right justified. When there is more than one author, the remaining authors should appear on different lines.

After two blank spaces (two blank lines), the fourth paragraph should begin with the word ‘ABSTRACT’ in capital letters, Times New Roman, 11, bold, followed by the text, which should be written in Times New Roman, 11, normal. After inserting a blank line, the fifth paragraph should begin with the expression ‘KEY WORDS’, in capital letters, Times New Roman, 11, bold, and the key words should be mentioned in Times New Roman, 11, normal, left justified and separated by commas. Between three and five keywords should be indicated. The keywords can be presented in Portuguese or Spanish, always with ‘KEYWORDS’ or English translation only. A line is inserted after the keywords.

After two blank spaces, the first heading will begin and then the text, which should be written in Times New Roman, 10, normal, without tabs, justified, separating the paragraphs with a blank line. Titles and subtitles should be identified with Arabic numerals (1,2,3…), in capital letters, Times New Roman, 10, bold, justified, preceded by two blank lines and followed by a blank line. Footnotes[1] should appear at the bottom of the page in Times New Roman, 8, normal and justified.


After two blank spaces, the first heading will begin and then the text, which should be written in Times New Roman, 10, normal font, without tabs, justified, separating the paragraphs with a blank line. The titles and subtitles of the text will be identified with Arabic numeration (1,2,3…), in capital letters, Times New Roman, 10, bold, justified, preceded by two blank lines and followed by a blank line.

The titles presented in this template are merely illustrative. Authors may rename them and create the subtitles they consider pertinent, but obeying the rules described above. Figures (graphs, flowcharts, etc.) should preferably be in black and white, centered, with numbered legend and font below, written in Times New Roman, 10, normal, inserted in the text and made with Microsoft Office applications or, alternatively, inserted as images (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: The logo of the XXXIV Conference
Source: Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica (2025).

Tables should be in black and white, centered, with numbered title above and font below, written in Times New Roman, 10, normal, to be inserted in the text (see Table 1). Acronyms and/or abbreviations presented in the tables, their meaning should be presented in ‘Note to the table’, separated by a semicolon, in Times New Roman, 8, normal.

Table 1: Authors and communications in numbers in the last 3 Conferences held

IndicatorsXXVII JornadasXXVIII JornadasXXIX Jornadasµσ
Number of communicationsnnNnn
Number of authorsnnNnn

Note: μ, mean population; σ, standard deviation; n, number.

[1] Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page in Times New Roman font, 8, normal and justified.


Citations of sources in the text will be in international format (American Psychological Association [APA], 2013). Various publications (e.g., Anthony & Young, 1999; Moreira, 2009) may serve as examples of citations. Only the sources cited throughout the paper may be included in the list of references, presented at the end of the document, prepared according to the APA standard in Times New Roman, 9, normal. The examples to be presented in the final references, in alphabetical order of the cited authors, refer to the APA manual itself (American Psychological Association [APA], 2013), another book (Anthony & Young, 1999), a scientific article (Balakrishnan, Pugely, & Shah, 2017), a book chapter (Moreira, 2009), a legal document (Decree-Law no. 108/2011, November 17) and a website (Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica, 2025).

The theoretical framework (item 2) and the results (item 4) can be renamed by similar denominations, on the one hand, and subdivided into subheadings, on the other, whenever the authors deem it more appropriate.

Equations should be numbered sequentially, in parentheses, stand alone on one line and be referenced in the text (Eq. 1).

     X=a+b+c                           [1]




American Psychological Association. (2013). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Anthony, R., & Young, D. (1999). Management control in nonprofit organizations (11th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Hernández-Perlines, F.; Covin, J.G., and Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2021). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Concern for Socioemotional Wealth Preservation, and Family Firm Performance. Journal of Business Research, 113(2020), 409-421. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.09.020.

Balakrishnan, R., Pugely, A., & Shah, A. (2017). Modeling resource use with time equations: Empirical evidence. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 29(1), 1-12. doi:10.2308/jmar-51444.

Lin., W., Ali, M., Kim, H.J., Lee, S., Hernández-Perlines, F. (2021). Entrepreneurial orientation, value congruence, and organizational effectiveness: Does the institutional environment matter? Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021,1-20. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2747.